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March 29, 2002

Well, we now have a message board! Click here for it -------> Message board

Also, people, please feel free to send reviews to me at I would love to hear from you!

Also, I'm working on the next batch of fanfictions. I have the next few done, and am just waiting for the beta reads to get done, so more should be up soon.



April 10, 2002

Fixed up the download section, added alot of 'ads'


May 10, 2002

We've moved to a new server, and it has yet to be decided if it's a temporary move or not. Also , check out the Message board!!!!! We've got some activity, more would be great!! Let your voice be heard about the Amanda Fawkes fanfictions (more coming very soon I promise).


June 3, 2002

New Fanfic added, check it out here


June 23, 2002

We've gotten a new design for our site, post comments and questions on the Message board


July 20, 2002

New Fic added, to read click here


July 20, 2002

New Ficette added, to read click here


July 21 , 2002

New Fic added, to read click here


Sept. 3, 2002

Okay, I'm very behind in my updates, so here come a whole bunch. New Fic: Children protecting a child
Archive page now has a "Coming soon" feature with the graphic header for the next fic due out.
Personnel page updated, now has new pictures on main page, and new more detailed descriptions.